Über uns -MMC Heinsberg

MMC Heinsberg spent over a decade building strong connections between foreign professionals and companies in Germany. Our deep understanding of German bureaucracy and detailed knowledge of the processes make us the ideal partner for international Job seekers & national employers .

We don't restrict ourselves to a single sector, instead, we link skilled professionals & employers from various fields facing talent shortages. If you're interested, simply submit your enquiry via E-mail, and we'll evaluate your requirements on an individual basis. Professionalism and transparency are the core of our operations. We ensure constant communication, keeping you fully informed about the next steps.

Our commitment is to be a reliable partner, always ready to address your inquiries. Our primary goal is to help you obtain your career in Germany and quickly secure a job in your area of expertise or educational background. In job placement, we prioritize YOUR aspirations! We ensure you find a role in your preferred region and industry, and if necessary, we introduce you to multiple prospective employers.

MMC Heinsberg

We offer Reliable & Efficiant Recruitment Process for you

  • For Employers
  • For candidates

  • Support on hiring employees
  • Get exceptional service for growth
  • consulting Service for HR Team

  • Connecting with employees
  • Guiding trough the process
  • Onboarding & Integration help

Project Ongoing


Employers Listed


Job Seekers


Happy Customers